What we do
Food Rescued
We rescue over 700,000 lbs. of food from local Grocery partners each year.
Volunteer Powered
Over 200 volunteers spend 14,000 hours each year helping us get this food to people. Any rescued food that can’t go to people gets donated to livestock farmers or composted.
Local Partners
We purchase about 50% of the food we distribute. Many of our producers are local and we spend more than $30,000 each year with Whatcom County Farms.
Community Funded
We raise over $500,000 in funds each year, with many sources represented. Our largest sources are state, federal, county, city, private, and corporate funding.
Food Distribution
We are open Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 9 - 11 AM for distribution and house holds can come once per week. The value of a distribution s about $100 for $20 cost to the food bank.
Nutrition Goals
Based on client feedback, we aim to provide foods that result in positive health outcomes. We have multiple options for fresh produce, dairy, and proteins each distribution.
People Served
We serve over 7,000 people, feed over 56,000 mouths, and distribute nearly 1 million pounds of food each year.
Legacy Continued
We have been in operation since 1982, sustained by our neighbors. We believe everyone deserves access to healthy food that is good for them. We are honored to work with our partners to help stop hunger in our community.