
Volunteers make the food bank run

We log over 14,000 volunteer hours each year and have 80 regular volunteers helping get food to folks each week. We could not do this work without volunteers!

We generally have volunteer needs during the following times:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Saturdays 8 - 11 AM

  • Tuesdays 7 - 10 AM

  • Thursdays and Fridays 9 - 2 PM


Fill out an application here to learn more about specific roles and get the volunteer process started. Please email applications to operations@ferndalefoodbank.org and we will get back to you within five business days.

Please note that we ask that unaccompanied volunteers be at least 16 years old. Any volunteers younger than that we ask to at least start by having a parent or guardian on site with them for the first month of volunteer shifts. From there we can work with folks to decide the best set up for everyone moving forward.

Cookies for Clients

Can’t commit to a regular volunteer shift but still want to be involved? Check out our Cookies for Clients program! Sign up to bring cookies (store-bought or homemade) to engage with our community and make a better day for our clients. Each shift is one hour and you should plan to bring 4 dozen cookies.


All other volunteer questions can be directed to Operations Manager, Kaiti Lopez, at operations@ferndalefoodbank.org or 360.380.2527